Eye Surgery

Eye Surgeries

24-Hour Answering Service

Hospital Affiliation

Your Trusted Surgical Eye Team

At Northwest Eye Center, we are proud to offer comprehensive eye care. In addition to our routine eye exams and eyewear support, we offer surgical solutions. Our ophthalmologists are board-certified, and we have renowned surgical outcomes and affiliations at local hospitals.

All in all, you can trust us with your vision. For emergencies, contact our 24-hour answering service. We offer same-day services. Call us today!

Hospital Eye Surgeries

Some eye procedures are advanced and must be completed in the hospital setting. Fortunately, the team at Northwest Eye Center has hospital affiliations with local hospitals including Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital. Our ophthalmologists can perform eye surgeries for patients there.

YAG Capsulotomy Laser Surgery

YAG capsulotomy is a laser procedure that uses focused laser energy to create a tiny opening in the clouded posterior capsule. This opening allows light to pass through clearly, restoring your vision and reducing symptoms like blurry vision, glare, and halos.

Who needs YAG Capsulotomy?

PCO is a common occurrence after cataract surgery, affecting roughly 20% of patients within a few years. If you experience vision changes after cataract surgery, your ophthalmologist will perform an eye exam to diagnose PCO and determine if YAG capsulotomy is the right option for you.

What are the benefits of YAG Capsulotomy?
  • Improved vision: The primary benefit is a significant improvement in vision, allowing you to see more clearly and enjoy daily activities without visual disturbances.
  • Painless procedure: YAG capsulotomy is a quick and painless outpatient procedure usually performed in less than 15 minutes.
  • Minimal recovery time: Most patients experience minimal discomfort and resume normal activities shortly after the procedure.
  • Safe and effective: YAG capsulotomy is a safe and effective procedure with a high success rate in restoring vision after PCO.

What to expect during the procedure:
  • You will be awake and comfortable during the procedure.
  • Eye drops will be used to numb your eye.
  • The laser will be used to create a small opening in the cloudy capsule.
  • The entire procedure typically takes less than 15 minutes.

After the procedure:
  • You may experience slight discomfort or blurry vision initially, which usually resolves within a few hours.
  • You will need to use eye drops for a short period.
  • Avoid rubbing your eye.
  • Schedule a follow-up appointment with your ophthalmologist to monitor your progress.

Peripheral Laser Iridotomy Surgery

LPI is a quick, outpatient laser procedure that creates a tiny hole in the colored part of your eye, the iris. This tiny opening improves fluid drainage within the eye, preventing the pressure buildup that can trigger angle-closure glaucoma.

Who Needs LPI?

You might be a candidate for LPI if you have:

  • Narrow angles: This anatomical feature significantly increases your risk of angle-closure glaucoma.
  • Family history: Having family members with glaucoma raises your risk.
  • Certain medical conditions: Diabetes, severe nearsightedness, and previous eye injuries can contribute to narrow angles.

Benefits of LPI:
  • Prevents angle-closure glaucoma: This painful and vision-threatening condition can be completely avoided with LPI.
  • Painless procedure: LPI is a quick and comfortable procedure usually performed under local anesthesia.
  • Minimal recovery time: Most patients resume normal activities soon after the procedure.
  • Safe and effective: LPI has a high success rate in preventing angle-closure glaucoma with minimal risks.

What to Expect During the Procedure:
  • You will be awake and comfortable during the procedure.
  • Eye drops will be used to numb your eye.
  • The laser will create a tiny hole in your iris, improving fluid drainage.
  • The entire procedure typically takes less than 10 minutes.

After the Procedure:
  • You may experience slight discomfort or blurry vision initially, which usually resolves within a few hours.
  • You will need to use eye drops for a short period.
  • Avoid rubbing your eye.

Laser Vision Correction Surgery

Laser eye surgery is a group of procedures that use lasers to reshape the cornea, the clear dome covering the front of your eye, to improve your vision and reduce your dependence on glasses or contact lenses. It's a popular option for people with common vision problems like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

Benefits of Laser Eye Surgery:

  • Improved vision: Many people achieve 20/20 vision or better after surgery, reducing or eliminating their need for glasses or contacts.
  • Greater freedom and convenience: No more struggling with glasses or contacts fogging up, falling off, or getting dirty.
  • Enhanced quality of life: Improved vision can lead to increased activities and enjoyment of life.

Considerations before Surgery:

  • Risks and side effects: Like any surgery, laser eye surgery has potential risks and side effects, such as dry eyes, glare, halos, and vision fluctuations. Discuss these risks thoroughly with your doctor.
  • Candidacy: Not everyone is a good candidate for laser eye surgery. Your doctor will consider your age, overall health, eye health, and prescription to determine if you're suitable.
  • Cost: Laser eye surgery is typically not covered by insurance and can be expensive. Research costs and financing options carefully.

Eye Lid Surgery

Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that addresses concerns with the skin and muscles around your eyes. It can improve both the appearance and function of your eyelids, offering benefits for aesthetics and vision.

Benefits of Eyelid Surgery:

  • Improved appearance: Reduced puffiness, smoother skin, and more lifted, youthful eyes.
  • Enhanced vision: Removal of excess skin can improve peripheral vision and reduce obstruction caused by drooping eyelids.
  • Increased confidence: Feeling better about your appearance can boost self-esteem and quality of life.

Considerations before Surgery:

  • Risks and side effects: Every surgery carries potential risks, and eyelid surgery is no exception. These may include temporary bruising, swelling, dry eyes, and scarring. Discuss these risks in detail with your surgeon.
  • Candidacy: This procedure isn't for everyone. Age, medical conditions, and realistic expectations are essential factors to consider.
  • Cost: Like other cosmetic procedures, eyelid surgery usually isn't covered by insurance and can be expensive. Explore financing options if needed.

In-Office Eye Surgeries

While our surgeons have affiliations with the local hospitals, we know that most patients prefer in-office procedures when possible. At Northwest Eye Center, we can complete many in-office procedures for your convenience. Let us improve your vision.

Chalazion Incision and Drainage

Chalazions, those pesky bumps on your eyelid, can be an unsightly and uncomfortable nuisance. While warm compresses and lid massages sometimes resolve them, in some cases, Chalazion Incision and Drainage (CID) might be the key to regaining a smooth, bump-free eyelid.

What is Chalazion Incision and Drainage?

CID is a minor outpatient procedure where a doctor makes a small incision in the chalazion and gently drains the contents. This drainage alleviates the pressure and inflammation, ultimately making the bump disappear.

Who needs Chalazion Incision and Drainage?

If your chalazion:

  • Persists for several weeks despite home remedies.
  • Causes significant discomfort or interferes with vision.
  • Recurs frequently.

Then, CID might be a suitable option for you. Your doctor will discuss your individual situation and recommend the best course of action.

Benefits of Chalazion Incision and Drainage:
  • Quick and effective: The procedure usually takes less than 30 minutes and offers immediate relief.
  • Minimally invasive: Performed under local anesthesia, it leaves minimal scarring.
  • Safe and well-tolerated: This is a well-established procedure with a low risk of complications.
  • Reduces risk of recurrence: Prompt removal of the blockage minimizes the chance of the chalazion returning.

What to Expect:
  • Consultation: Your doctor will examine your chalazion and discuss the procedure in detail.
  • Procedure: You will be awake and comfortable during the procedure. The doctor will make a small incision, drain the contents, and may apply gentle pressure to remove any remaining material.
  • Recovery: Expect mild discomfort and swelling for a few days. Apply cold compresses and use antibiotic ointment as prescribed.
  • Follow-up appointment: Schedule a follow-up visit to ensure proper healing and discuss any concerns.


Do You Need Surgery?

Call now to talk about eye surgery with a board-certified ophthalmologist

(847) 382-3640

(847) 382-3640

A very positive experience from the start.

- Susan M. via Google

Learn More About Northwest Eye Center

Located in Barrington, IL. Northwest Eye Center specializes in eye exams, eye surgeries, eyewear, and contact lenses. 24-hour answering service. Hospital affiliation. Call now.

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